In the Korean drama Pyramid Game, Myung Ja Eun (played by Ryu Da In) stands out as a character who commands attention. Despite being portrayed as reserved and naive, Myung Ja Eun displays a generous spirit, often extending help to those around her, even in the face of adversity.
Here are eight compelling instances that showcase Myung Ja Eun’s generosity:
1. Stands Alone in Support: While others stood by, Myung Ja Eun was the sole advocate for Sung Soo Ji (Bona) when she faced false accusations from a toxic teacher.
2. Selfless Kindness: When Soo Ji sought to repay her kindness by sabotaging the Pyramid Game, Myung Ja Eun declined, emphasizing her selfless intentions.
3. Voluntary Sacrifice: Myung Ja Eun willingly takes on the role of an F rank participant, subjecting herself to bullying to shield others from harm.
4. Empathy in Action: She cannot tolerate seeing fellow female students suffer bullying, often stepping in to alleviate their plight.
5. Unwavering Selflessness: Myung Ja Eun’s unselfish nature makes it difficult for Soo Ji to persuade her to leave the F rank position.
6. Genuine Approach: Unlike Soo Ji’s manipulative tactics, Ja Eun chooses to approach Song Jae Hyung sincerely and gently.
7. Inclusive Friendship: Myung Ja Eun views everyone as potential friends, provided there are no bullies disrupting the class hierarchy.
8. Kindness Knows No Bounds: Despite being bullied by her, Myung Ja Eun extends a helping hand to Baek Ha Rin (Jang Da Ah) when she nearly drowns.
Despite enduring bullying herself, Myung Ja Eun consistently prioritizes others’ well-being over her own. Sung Soo Ji even likened her generosity to figures like Mother Teresa and Buddha. Do you also find Myung Ja Eun’s character in Pyramid Game endearing?