Seo Ki Joo, played by Joo Won, stands out in the drama “The Midnight Studio” due to his extraordinary abilities. He owns a photo studio that operates exclusively at midnight and serves ghost clients as a photographer.
This studio isn’t ordinary; it acts as a portal to the afterlife. Ghosts linger in this realm to fulfill unmet desires, and Seo Ki Joo aids them in this task. However, his life is plagued by a series of unfortunate events. Let’s delve into these challenges faced by Seo Ki Joo in “The Midnight Studio”:
1. Seo Ki Joo was born into a family cursed with dealing with ghosts generation after generation.
2. Throughout his childhood, Seo Ki Joo constantly faced threats from the ghosts around him, leaving him in perpetual unease.
3. The disturbances of the night make it impossible for Seo Ki Joo to enjoy a peaceful sleep.
4. With his only family member, his uncle, missing for 35 years, Seo Ki Joo experiences deep loneliness.
5. Convincing the families of the deceased about his ghost photography work proves to be an uphill battle, often leading to him being viewed as eccentric.
6. Seo Ki Joo frequently faces mistreatment from the families of his clients, enduring insults and even physical violence.
7. The family curse dictates that Seo Ki Joo’s lifespan is limited to 35 years, adding a sense of impending doom to his existence.
8. Haunted by the specter of death every day, Seo Ki Joo remains on constant alert, never letting his guard down.
Despite his extraordinary abilities, Seo Ki Joo’s life in “The Midnight Studio” is fraught with challenges. He navigates a difficult existence, constantly plagued by ghosts that disrupt his peace, a struggle that has persisted since his early years.