The fourth installment of the Korean film series “The Roundup,” subtitled “Punishment,” hits theaters on April 24, 2024. Ma Dong Seok reprises his role as the lead actor in this action-packed film. Joining him are Kim Moo Yul, Lee Dong Hwi, and Park Ji Hwan, who returns after missing the third film.
“The Roundup: Punishment” is highly anticipated this April, following the success of the previous two installments, each attracting over 10 million viewers. The cases presented in this film promise to be more challenging, featuring the series’ toughest villains yet. Here’s a glimpse of Ma Dong Seok’s character as the relentless detective in “The Roundup: Punishment.”
1. Ma Dong Seok returns as Ma Seok Do, tackling the case of an illegal online gambling ring based in the Philippines.
2. Ma Seok Do, along with the Metro Investigation Unit, stumbles upon this case while investigating drug trafficking via a delivery app.
3. Upon discovering the death of the app developer in the Philippines, Ma Seok Do finds connections to an online gambling syndicate.
4. Ma Seok Do initiates a global clean-up operation and seeks assistance from Jang Isu (Park Ji Hwan).
5. The banter between Ma Seok Do and Jang Isu, who haven’t seen each other in a decade, promises some comedic moments.
6. Ma Seok Do’s confrontation with the villain Baek Chang Gi (Kim Moo Yul), a former mercenary, is intense.
7. Teaming up with the cyber unit, Ma Seok Do takes on Chang Dong Cheol (Lee Dong Hwi).
Who’s excited to witness Ma Dong Seok in action once again in “The Roundup: Punishment”? In other news, the actor has announced his upcoming wedding in May, following the recent wedding of his co-star Park Ji Hwan in April.