Yoon Chae Won, portrayed by Bae Yoon Kyoung, stands out as a strong female character in the Korean drama “Wedding Impossible.” As the CEO of Taeyang Group, she initially aimed to marry the grandson of LJ Group’s owner, Lee Do Han, played by Kim Do Wan.
However, the engagement was called off because Yoon Chae Won harbored feelings for Lee Ji Han, Lee Do Han’s younger brother, portrayed by Moon Sang Min. Despite facing rejection after expressing her love, Yoon Chae Won handled the situation with grace.
Let’s explore seven positive traits exhibited by Yoon Chae Won in “Wedding Impossible”:
1. Assertiveness:
Yoon Chae Won boldly expressed her love for Lee Ji Han and fought for it.
2. Balanced Love:
She didn’t become obsessive when she discovered Lee Ji Han’s feelings for Na A Jung, demonstrating fairness.
3. Self-Worth:
Yoon Chae Won values herself and isn’t afraid to let go of someone who doesn’t reciprocate her feelings.
4. Graceful Acceptance:
Despite rejection, she maintained a good relationship with Ji Han and Na A Jung.
5. Accountability:
Yoon Chae Won apologized for her actions and sought permission from Ji Han’s grandfather before pursuing him.
6. Justice:
She stands against injustice, such as when Ji Han and A Jung faced public criticism because of Lee Do Han.
7. Integrity:
Yoon Chae Won refused to conspire with Ji Han’s half-brother to gain control of LJ Group, displaying intelligence and class.
Throughout “Wedding Impossible,” Yoon Chae Won consistently treats others, including her love interest, with respect and kindness. She listens to Na A Jung’s troubles and offers advice regarding her relationship with Lee Ji Han.