“Doctor Slump,” which aired on JTBC, tells the story of two ambitious and accomplished individuals who are facing setbacks in their lives. Nam Ha Neul (Park Shin Hye) and Yeo Jeong Woo (Park Hyung Sik) were once rivals in school, both striving to secure the top position in their class.
Years later, they cross paths again during difficult times. Nam Ha Neul is struggling with depression due to work pressure, while Yeo Jeong Woo faces slander that ruins his life and leads to job loss. Despite their initial conflicts, they find strength in each other and develop a romantic relationship.
Apart from “Doctor Slump,” several other dramas feature main characters with a passion for studying. These dramas are highly suitable for those with ambitious goals. If you’re curious, read the full details in the article below!
1. “Doctor Slump” (2024) depicts the journey of two ambitious rivals from school who reunite as adults, providing mutual support during tough times.
2. “Law School” (2021) explores the lives of law school students and professors, showcasing their ambition in both academics and solving cases.
3. “Sky Castle” (2018-2019) narrates the story of high school students striving to enter the best universities in Korea, portraying intense competition among them.
4. Set against the backdrop of the financial crisis, “Twenty Five Twenty One” (2022) follows the struggles of young individuals as they pursue their dreams.
5. “Start-Up” (2020) delves into the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in the start-up world, catering to enthusiasts of IT and business.
6. “Itaewon Class” (2020) portrays the journey of a former convict striving to establish a renowned restaurant amidst numerous obstacles.
7. “Master of Study” (2010) brings together underperforming students in one class as they prepare for graduation exams, highlighting their struggle and determination.
These dramas showcase main characters who are passionate about studying, while also delivering significant moral messages. They are ideal for ambitious individuals seeking inspiration. Out of the seven dramas listed, which one left the most lasting impression on you?