Lee Ji Han, portrayed by Moon Sang Min, faces significant challenges in “Wedding Impossible” despite his wealthy background. Coping with the loss of his mother, he grapples with loneliness and unhappiness. However, amidst his struggles, he finds solace and support from various characters in the drama.
Here are seven crucial characters who serve as pillars of support for Lee Ji Han:
1. Na A Jung (played by Jeon Jong Seo): Na A Jung empathizes with Lee Ji Han’s struggles and defends him against criticism from others.
2. Eun Taek (portrayed by Min Jin Woong): Eun Taek not only proves to be a loyal colleague but also cares for Lee Ji Han like a brother.
3. Yoon Chae Won (acted by Bae Yoon Kyung): Yoon Chae Won becomes a trusted confidante for Lee Ji Han and actively supports and defends him.
4. Lee Do Han (played by Kim Do Wan): Initially self-centered, Lee Do Han eventually steps up as a supportive older brother figure for Lee Ji Han, helping him navigate difficult situations.
5. Cho Ji Ho (portrayed by Seo Woo Jin): Despite being Na A Jung’s nephew, Cho Ji Ho develops a close bond with Lee Ji Han akin to that of a biological family member.
6. Hyun Dae Ho (acted by Kwon Hae Hyo): Hyun Dae Ho, Lee Ji Han’s grandfather, gradually shows warmth and care towards his grandson, providing him with much-needed familial support.
7. Kim Min Sub (portrayed by Jung Hee Tae): Alongside Eun Taek, Kim Min Sub, Hyun Dae Ho’s secretary, frequently lends a helping hand to Lee Ji Han during his time at LJ Group.
These seven characters play integral roles in supporting Lee Ji Han through his trials and tribulations. Despite not all being blood relatives, their genuine concern and care contribute to Lee Ji Han’s overall happiness and well-being in “Wedding Impossible.”