The latest series starring Ju Ji Hoon and Han Hyo Joo, titled “Blood Free,” has premiered its initial two episodes. This drama, spanning ten episodes, follows the narrative of a biotech company led by Yun Ja Yu (Han Hyo Joo) and On San (Lee Mu Saeng).
The company, known as Blood Free or BF, aims to pioneer engineered meat production as a substitute for traditional animal meat, with plans to extend into seafood like mackerel, tuna, salmon, and shrimp.
BF’s engineered meat cultivation has sparked controversy, particularly among traditional animal farmers. Consequently, the early episodes of “Blood Free” have prompted numerous inquiries from viewers, who anticipate comprehensive answers by the series’ conclusion. Here are seven pivotal questions that arise in the initial episodes of this Korean drama:
1. Did Woo Chae Woon (Ju Ji Hoon) join BF solely for employment or as a spy for the former president?
2. Was Yun Ja Yu implicated in the plane attack during his meetings with CEOs and former presidents?
3. How does Yun Ja Yu respond to Prime Minister Seonu Jae’s challenge to validate the legality of BF’s cultivation practices?
4. Was the ransomware attack on BF’s program orchestrated internally? If so, who was responsible and what motivated the attack?
5. When BF faced adversity, why did On San opt to transition to the role of research director? Is there an underlying agenda?
6. Despite serving as BF’s medical director, why does On San avoid media exposure? What drives this behavior?
7. What strategy does Yun Ja Yu employ to quell demonstrators outside his office following threats from a farmer opposed to BF’s cultivation?
Additionally, amidst a critical juncture, BF’s legal advisor suffers an accident. Yun Ja Yu tracks down the perpetrator who extorted 80 billion won by feigning a hack into BF’s program. Does Yun Ja Yu suspect his legal advisor and head of research are involved? Stay tuned for answers in the upcoming episode of “Blood Free.”