Korean drama “Blood Free” stars actors and actresses with extensive experience in South Korean entertainment. Ju Ji Hoon and Han Hyo Joo play the two main characters in this thrilling drama.
Besides seeing them on screen, it’s fascinating to peek into their personal lives through social media. Here are the Instagram accounts of the “Blood Free” cast that you can follow:
1. Actor Ju Ji Hoon shares his busy moments on the @_jujihoon account.
2. Stay updated with fresh content by following @hanhyojoo222.
3. Lee Hee Jun keeps fans informed about his activities on the @lee.hee.jun account.
4. Find portraits of this actor on the @leemusaeng_official account.
5. Park Ji Yeon, who plays Jeong Hae Deun, shows a different charm on @parkdelay_.
6. Lee Seo, who also captivates attention, has an Instagram account called @_yiseoluv.
7. Son Kang Kuk, who appears in episode 1, shares more family portraits on his Instagram, @crazycoogi.
That’s the list of Instagram accounts for the “Blood Free” cast. Don’t forget to follow them all!