Jin I Soo, portrayed by Ahn Bo Hyun in the Korean drama Flex X Cop, hails from a wealthy family known as a chaebol or conglomerate. His father, Jin Myeong Chul (played by Jang Hyun Sung), holds the position of chairman within the Hansu Group and is currently eyeing a mayoral candidacy.
Given this prestigious background, Jin I Soo’s family commands great respect. As a detective, Jin I Soo benefits from extensive family connections, granting him access to resources and facilities. Yet, beneath this façade of affluence lie numerous hidden secrets within Jin I Soo’s family. Let’s delve into them!
1. Illegitimate Child: Jin I Soo is not the offspring of Jin Myeong Chul’s legal wife, but rather of his mistress, Kim Seon Young (portrayed by Lee Shi A).
2. Tragic Past: Jin I Soo’s mother allegedly committed suicide during his childhood due to depression. However, it’s later unveiled that she was murdered.
3. Childhood Trauma: Witnessing his mother’s murder as a child left Jin I Soo scarred with deep trauma.
4. Concealed Memories: Jin Myeong Chul attempted to bury Jin I Soo’s haunting memories through hypnotherapy, aiming to conceal the truth.
5. Marital Infidelity: Shockingly, Jin Myeong Chul’s legal wife, Jo Hee Ja (portrayed by Jeon Hye Jin), engaged in an extramarital affair.
6. Paternity Reveal: Jin Myeong Chul’s eldest son, Jin Seung Ju (played by Kwak Si Yang), is not his biological child but rather the offspring of Han Dae Hoon (portrayed by Hong Seo Jun) from an affair with Jo Hee Ja.
7. Murder Mystery: Han Dae Hoon’s mysterious death hints at potential connections to Jo Hee Ja and Jin Seung Ju.
As these tightly guarded secrets unravel, they not only impact the immediate family members but also become fodder for public consumption. What lies ahead for Jin I Soo’s family? Catch the remaining episodes of Flex X Cop to find out!