In the drama “Wonderful World” (2024), Kwon Seon Yul’s (played by Cha Eun Woo) family started off happy. But when his father, Kwon Ji Woong (played by Oh Man Seok), got entangled in an accident involving a boy named Kang Gun Woo (played by Lee Joon), everything changed. Seeking vengeance, the boy’s mother, Eun Soo Hyun (played by Kim Nam Joo), tragically ran him to his death.
The loss of his father completely altered Kwon Seon Yul’s life. To make matters worse, his mother fell into a deep coma after an accident. Fueled by a desire for payback and the destruction of his family, Kwon Seon Yul’s life became consumed by revenge.
Here are the actions Kwon Seon Yul has taken to seek revenge in “Wonderful World”:
Attention, this article contains spoilers.
1. Gathering Information:
Kwon Seon Yul meticulously gathers information about Eun Soo Hyun, even resorting to stalking her.
2. Building Trust to Betray:
He strategically builds a close relationship with Eun Soo Hyun, only to betray her trust later on.
3. Causing Turmoil:
Kwon Seon Yul sends photos of Kang Soo Ho’s affair to shake up Eun Soo Hyun’s household.
4. Inflicting Pain:
He also shares these photos with Eun Soo Hyun’s mother, adding to her anguish.
5. Revealing Secrets:
When things settle down, Kwon Seon Yul exposes the identity of Kang Soo Ho’s affair, Han Yu Ri.
6. Targeting Others:
Han Yu Ri becomes another target of revenge as Kwon Seon Yul gives her address to his toxic mother.
7. Plotting Further:
He sets his sights on Kang Tae Ho as his next victim, manipulating Hoong So Jin to get close to him.
Kwon Seon Yul’s thirst for revenge knows no bounds. He is determined to strip Eun Soo Hyun of all happiness in her life.
Despite the ongoing vendetta, viewers hold onto hope that these two wounded souls might find solace in each other’s company. Will their paths lead to healing? Tune in to the next episode of “Wonderful World” to find out.