The movie “Following” is set to debut soon in South Korean theaters. This mystery film, originally set for release in September 2022, got postponed to May 2024. Filming wrapped up in February 2021.
Produced by Engine Film, this story revolves around a real estate agent who gets entangled in a murder case linked to influencers due to his unusual hobby. “Following” stars Shin Hae Sun, Byun Yo Han, and Lee El in leading roles, alongside several familiar supporting actors. Let’s delve into the cast and their characters in “Following.”
1. Shin Hae Sun portrays Han So Ra, an influencer who fabricates her life on social media. Tragically, she is found dead on her home’s sofa.
2. Byun Yo Han depicts Goo Jung Tae, a real estate agent who becomes a suspect in Han So Ra’s murder after entering her home without permission.
3. Lee El plays Oh Young Joo, a detective investigating Han So Ra’s disappearance, which eventually leads to a murder investigation.
4. Yoon Byung Hee portrays Lee Jong Hak, a fan of Han So Ra who falls under suspicion by Goo Jung Tae.
5. Park Ye Ni takes on the role of Horugi, a BJ who provides crucial clues to Goo Jung Tae regarding Han So Ra’s murder.
6. Shim Dal Ki portrays Ji Hee, an employee at Goo Jung Tae’s real estate firm.
7. Park Myung Hoon appears as the team leader and Oh Young Joo’s boss, often in conflict with him.
These seven actors play pivotal roles in unraveling the mystery surrounding Han So Ra’s death. “Following” hits South Korean theaters on May 15, 2024, with no confirmation yet on its release in Indonesia.