Moh Seul Hee, portrayed by Lee Mi Sook, is a character in the gripping drama series “Queen of Tears,” where he plays the role of Hong Man Dae’s girlfriend. Initially depicted as supportive and caring towards the chairman of the Queens Group, Moh Seul Hee’s true intentions gradually surface, revealing him to be a manipulative figure with ambitions to seize control of his partner’s company.
In the latest episode, viewers witness Moh Seul Hee’s Machiavellian nature as he successfully acquires shares of the Queens Group and orchestrates Hong Man Dae’s incapacitation, leaving him in a coma through the use of his power of attorney. Despite these actions, numerous mysteries continue to shroud Moh Seul Hee’s past and motives. Let’s delve deeper into these unresolved questions:
1. Moh Seul Hee’s Past Imprisonment:
Under the guise of Moh Seul Hee, our character’s true identity is revealed to be Oh Sun Young, who had previously been incarcerated on charges of adultery. Intriguingly, four years later, Oh Sun Young was declared dead under mysterious circumstances. This raises the question: is there a deeper connection between Oh Sun Young’s imprisonment and the Hong family’s affairs?
2. The Mystery Surrounding Yoon Eun Sung’s Paternity:
During his time in prison, Moh Seul Hee fathered Yoon Eun Sung, whose paternity remains shrouded in mystery. Despite this uncertainty, Moh Seul Hee abandoned Yoon Eun Sung at the Eternal Hope Orphanage, though he continues to monitor his son’s whereabouts. Given Moh Seul Hee’s proximity to the Hong family and his role as a benefactor to Hong Man Dae and the Queens Group, could Yoon Eun Sung’s father have ties to these entities?
3. Moh Seul Hee’s Astounding Ability to Change Identity:
Moh Seul Hee exhibits a remarkable skill for assuming false identities to infiltrate Hong Man Dae’s family and manipulate them to his advantage. However, the complexity of such a feat begs the question: did Moh Seul Hee act alone in changing his identity, or did he have assistance from an unknown accomplice?
4. Unraveling the Motive Behind Seizing Control of the Queens Group:
Despite meticulously plotting his takeover of the Queens Group for over two decades, Moh Seul Hee’s motive for doing so remains elusive. Is his relentless pursuit of power driven by a desire for revenge against the Hong family, or does it stem from some other undisclosed grievance?