The Korean drama “The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection” picks up where the first season left off. One character who stands out in the second season is Geum La Hui, played by Hwang Jung Eum. Her character undergoes significant development unlike the others.
In the first season, we learned that Geum La Hui had been abusive towards her biological child, Bang Da Mi, portrayed by Jung La El. Upon watching a video recording of Bang Da Mi, she is deeply affected, facing the harsh reality of her child’s suffering and demise.
Geum La Hui expresses profound regret for the harm inflicted upon Bang Da Mi. Her repentance is evident in various ways throughout the first two episodes. So, what are the key signs of Geum La Hui’s remorse? Let’s take a closer look.
1. Geum La Hui’s Willingness to Sacrifice Her Leg
Geum La Hui finds herself pursued by K’s men, played by Uhm Ki Joon, when her leg gets caught in a trap. Despite being advised to seek treatment at a large hospital due to the severity of her injury, she insists on having her leg amputated at a clinic with minimal resources. This act of self-sacrifice serves as her way of atoning for her past wrongs, a constant reminder of her wrongdoing towards her child.
2. Assisting Min Do Hyuk and Kang Ki Tak in Secret
In early episodes, Geum La Hui demonstrates kindness towards Min Do Hyuk and Kang Ki Tak. When Matthew Lee’s group unexpectedly arrives at Bang Chil Sung’s residence, Geum La Hui discreetly aids Min Do Hyuk and Kang Ki Tak by diverting Matthew Lee’s attention, preventing their discovery.
3. Developing Affection for Children
Unlike her previous aversion to children, Geum La Hui’s heart begins to soften when she spends time with a child named No Han Na. Initially indifferent, she gradually grows fond of No Han Na, Han Mo Ne’s daughter, and accepts her gestures of affection.
4. Seeking Justice for Her Child
Geum La Hui is determined to bring those who harmed her child to justice. She collects evidence against individuals including Matthew Lee, Han Mo Ne, Cha Ju Ran, Yang Jin Mo, Go Myoung Ji, and Nam Chul Woo, vowing to make them suffer for their actions.
5. Clearing Min Do Hyuk’s Name
Geum La Hui plays a pivotal role in vindicating Min Do Hyuk, who was wrongly accused by the police. During a film screening, she exposes the true identity of Shim Jun Seok, thereby exonerating Min Do Hyuk and ensuring the truth is revealed to the media.
These five instances showcase Geum La Hui’s genuine remorse and determination to make amends. Yet, the question remains: will she stay true to her words? Find out by tuning in to “The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection,” airing every Friday and Saturday on Viu.