5 Reasons Why Baek Chul Kyu Should Be Suspected in Miss Night and Day

Baek Chul Kyu's suspicious actions in Miss Night and Day raise many questions.
5 Reasons Why Baek Chul Kyu Should Be Suspected in Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day has captivated viewers with its intricate plot and enigmatic characters. Among these characters, Baek Chul Kyu (played by Jung Jae Sung) stands out, not just for his benevolent demeanor, but also for the cloud of suspicion that surrounds him. Here are five compelling reasons why Baek Chul Kyu should be considered a suspect.

1. Matching Car Type and License Plate

Baek Chul Kyu in Miss Night and Day

Choi Jin Hyuk in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

In the early episodes, a body is discovered near Lee Mi Jin’s house, leading to a tense investigation. The suspect is seen escaping in a dark gray SUV. Later, Gye Ji Ung, a key investigator, notices that the car used by Baek Chul Kyu matches the description of the suspect’s vehicle. Not only is the car type the same, but the last four digits of the license plate also match. This startling similarity raises immediate red flags.

2. Mysterious Resignation of Ko Na Heun

Ko Na Heun's resignation

Choi Mo In, Lee Jung Eun, and Choi Beon Ho in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Ko Na Heun, a diligent employee, suddenly quits his job without explanation. Baek Chul Kyu then steps in to fill his position. Soon after, Baek Chul Kyu is seen inquiring about Ko Na Heun’s resignation from Lim Sun, a colleague who has limited interactions with others. This curious behavior and the timing of his replacement lead to speculation about his involvement in Ko Na Heun’s abrupt departure.

3. Familiarity with Colleagues

Baek Chul Kyu's familiarity

Lee Jung Eun in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Baek Chul Kyu’s arrival at the prosecutor’s office is marked by a peculiar sense of familiarity with some colleagues, specifically Lim Sun and Gye Ji Ung. This connection seems too strong to be mere coincidence. Gye Ji Ung himself feels an eerie sense of recognition when interacting with Baek Chul Kyu, suggesting a possible hidden history between them.

4. Connection to Ji Dong Kwon

Connection to Ji Dong Kwon

Lee Jung Eun in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Ji Dong Kwon, implicated in an acid attack, reveals a connection to Baek Chul Kyu. During the investigation, it’s discovered that Ji Dong Kwon contacts Baek Chul Kyu, hinting at a deeper conspiracy. Ji Dong Kwon’s subsequent murder in prison by an associated gang further entangles Baek Chul Kyu in the web of suspicion.

5. Identical Analgesics

Identical analgesics

Jung Eun Ji in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

The forensics team discovers fentanyl in the blood of a victim. This potent analgesic is traced back to the hospital where Baek Chul Kyu once worked. Given his access to such drugs, the match between the fentanyl found in the victim and that in the hospital strengthens the case against him. This link suggests a direct or indirect involvement in the crime, further solidifying suspicions.

Baek Chul Kyu’s role in Miss Night and Day is shrouded in mystery, with each episode unraveling more about his possible connection to a series of crimes. Is he an accomplice, a mastermind, or merely a red herring? Stay tuned to Miss Night and Day to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic character.

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