Since its premiere on March 1, the Korean drama “Wonderful World” has consistently captured viewers’ attention. This drama, centered around revenge, follows the story of Eun Soo Hyun (played by Kim Nam Joo), who tragically loses her only child. Her life becomes even more tangled when Kwon Seon Yul (played by Cha Eun Woo), the son of the man responsible for her child’s death, emerges seeking revenge.
As the series approaches its conclusion, with only two episodes remaining out of its total 12, many truths have been uncovered, forcing the characters to confront pivotal decisions. Below, we delve into five essential questions that demand answers in the finale of “Wonderful World.”
Attention: Spoilers Ahead!
1. Is Kang Su Ho Truly Aligned with Kim Joon?
Kang Su Ho (played by Kim Kang Woo) is Eun Soo Hyun’s spouse and a prominent news anchor at ABS, a renowned broadcasting network, where he holds a directorial position. Previously ousted from his job due to his clash with Kim Joon (portrayed by Park Hyuk Kwon), a contentious presidential candidate, Kang Su Ho attempts to resume his failed endeavors. However, his past affair with Han Yu Ri (portrayed by Lim Se Mi), Eun Soo Hyun’s adopted sister, comes to light, revealing vulnerabilities. In the latest episodes, Kang Su Ho’s apparent alliance with Kim Joon raises suspicions. Is his allegiance genuine, or is he feigning support to gather incriminating evidence against Kim Joon?
2. What Prompted the Assault on Kwon Seon Yul’s Mother by Kim Joon?
Following his father’s demise at the hands of Eun Soo Hyun, Kwon Seon Yul finds solace solely in his mother’s company. Tragically, his mother falls victim to a deliberate attack, slipping into a coma and ultimately succumbing to her injuries, leaving Kwon Seon Yul bereaved and bewildered. Initially dismissing Eun Soo Hyun’s claims regarding the suspicious nature of his mother’s accident, Kwon Seon Yul later discovers the shocking truth: his mother was intentionally targeted by Kim Joon’s associates. Why did Kwon Seon Yul’s mother possess knowledge of Kang Gun Woo’s (portrayed by Lee Joon) incriminating tablet, leading to Kim Joon’s attempted assassination of her? This enigma awaits resolution in the series’ conclusion.
3. Will Kim Joon Face Retribution for His Transgressions?
Kim Joon epitomizes villainy in the narrative, orchestrating a cascade of suffering and calamity. His malevolence extends beyond orchestrating the assault on Kwon Seon Yul’s mother to orchestrating the vehicular incident involving Kang Gun Woo, all to safeguard his political aspirations. With numerous lives marred by his machinations, including abuse of authority during his tenure, the finale must unveil whether justice prevails or if Kim Joon evades accountability once more.
4. How Will Eun Soo Hyun’s Relationships Unravel?
Initially entrenched in animosity, Eun Soo Hyun and Kwon Seon Yul’s relationship evolves as they unite against a common adversary. Yet, the aftermath of their vengeance and its implications for their dynamic remain uncertain. Furthermore, the resolution of Eun Soo Hyun’s connections with Kang Su Ho and Han Yu Ri, complicated by their betrayal and infidelity, remains a pressing narrative thread. The finale must illuminate the fates of these intertwined relationships and the prospects of reconciliation or estrangement.
5. What Awaits Eun Soo Hyun’s Ailing Mother?
Eun Soo Hyun’s mother grapples with symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, manifesting in memory lapses and confusion. Amidst the turmoil surrounding her daughter’s legal battle, the full extent of her cognitive decline remains obscured. The series’ conclusion must address whether her condition stabilizes, permitting her to lead a semblance of normalcy, or if her decline precipitates, necessitating further care and adaptation.
As “Wonderful World” hurtles towards its finale, the resolution of these intricate plotlines holds the key to a satisfying conclusion, devoid of lingering uncertainties.