One of the mysteries in the Korean drama “Wedding Impossible” (2024) revolves around the accident involving Lee Ji Han’s (played by Moon Sang Min) mother, Hyun Su Hyeon (played by Han Soo Yeon). After remarrying, she moved away from the LJ Group and hid herself. However, Lee Ji Han unintentionally revealed their address to a reporter, leading to a chase that ended tragically with a car accident.
Hyun Su Hyeon’s accident left Lee Ji Han burdened with guilt, believing he was responsible for his mother’s death. In the conclusion of “Wedding Impossible,” the truth behind Hyun Su Hyeon’s death is finally unveiled, revealing that the incident was not a simple accident. Let’s delve into the details together.
Spoiler alert: this article contains spoilers.
1. Reporter Kang Ik Jun’s Suspicions
Choi Seung A (played by Park Ah In) harbors resentment toward Lee Do Han (played by Kim Do Wan) and Lee Ji Han, suspecting that they played a role in his mother’s death. However, he never knew the truth about how his mother died, as his grandfather, Hyun Dae Ho (played by Kwon Hae Hyo), refused to provide an explanation.
Reporter Kang Ik Jun, who was involved in the accident, finds it suspicious that all evidence related to the incident seems to have disappeared. He suspects that Hyun Dae Ho deliberately covered up the case.
2. Choi Seung A Discovers the Painful Truth
Kang Ik Jun reveals to Choi Seung A the details of Hyun Su Hyeon’s accident, shocking him. It’s revealed that the accident was caused by Choi Seung A’s father, Choi Joong Chan (played by Jeon Jin Ki), who was obsessed with finding his missing ex-wife. Choi Joong Chan’s actions led to the fatal accident.
3. Evidence of Hyun Su Hyeon’s Accident Is Found
Struggling to believe what he heard, Choi Seung A sneaks into his grandfather’s study to find the CCTV footage referenced by Kang Ik Jun. Eventually, he finds the footage from the night of his mother’s accident, confirming his father’s involvement.
4. How Choi Seung A Punished His Father
Overwhelmed with guilt for blaming Lee Di Han and Lee Ji Han, Choi Seung A decides to take revenge on his father for deceiving him. He exposes his father’s embezzlement of funds, leading to his imprisonment.
5. Lee Ji Han Remains Unaware of the Details of His Mother’s Death
Except for Choi Seung A and his grandfather, no one else knows the truth, including Lee Ji Han. Hyun Dae Ho chooses to keep the secret hidden, but his heart softens over time. He apologizes to Lee Ji Han for his harsh treatment, revealing that his attitude stemmed from seeing his late wife reflected in Lee Ji Han’s face.
Although not all characters in “Wedding Impossible” learn about Hyun Su Hyeon’s death, those left behind find some relief. Do you think Hyun Dae Ho made the right decision? Share your thoughts in the comments.