The drama Queen of Tears (2024) has recently unveiled its sixth episode, where the intricate web of characters is slowly unfurling. In the latest installments, viewers witnessed the unveiling of several deceptive personas targeting Hong Hae In (Kim Ji Won), Baek Hyun Woo (Kim Soo Hyun), and members of the Hong family.
Below, we delve into some unexpected fan theories surrounding the conflicts within the Hong family, as depicted in episodes 5-6 of Queen of Tears. Let’s explore together, but beware of spoilers ahead!
1. Deliberate Murder of Hong Hae In’s Brother
In a tragic sea accident involving Hong Hae In and his brother, suspicions arise as Hae In testifies to the eerie circumstances surrounding the incident. Fans speculate that this may not have been a mere accident but a premeditated act, orchestrated by parties with vested interests in undermining the Hong family’s legacy. Who could be behind this sinister scheme?
2. Identity Revelation: Hong Hae In’s Rescuer
Contrary to Hong Hae In’s belief that his older brother saved him, fans propose an intriguing twist. Observations reveal discrepancies between the clothing of Hae In’s brother and the attire of his rescuer, suggesting that the latter might not be his sibling after all. Many speculate that the mysterious rescuer could be none other than Baek Hyun Woo, hinting at a deeper connection between the two characters.
3. Family Secrets Unveiled: Yoon Eun Sang’s True Lineage
Episode 6 uncovers startling revelations about Moh Seul Hee’s true identity, prompting fans to speculate about Yoon Eun Sang’s origins. With suspicions arising that Sang may be Seul Hee’s long-lost son, given his lack of family and mysterious past, viewers anticipate a potential link between their ambitions within the Queens Group.
4. Paternity Predicament: Cheon Da Hye’s Child
As suspicions mount surrounding Cheon Da Hye’s intentions and background, attention turns to her baby’s parentage. Despite DNA tests, doubts persist regarding the child’s resemblance to Hong Soo Cheol. With the family embroiled in intrigue, fans theorize that the baby may not be Soo Cheol’s biological offspring, raising questions about the validity of the test results.
The latest episodes of Queen of Tears have left viewers captivated and speculative. Will these fan theories hold true? To uncover the answers, don’t miss the upcoming episodes of Queen of Tears. Keep watching to unravel the mysteries!