The Missing Crown Prince premiered last Saturday (13/4/2024), marking the start of its official broadcast. This Korean drama, belonging to the sageuk genre, follows the tale of the chance encounter between Crown Prince Yi Gun (played by Suho from EXO) and Choi Myeong Yoon (played by Hong Ye Ji). Amidst the turmoil within the palace, Yi Gun is abducted.
Upon his return to the palace following the abduction, Yi Gun finds himself pursued by individuals seeking his life, prompting several questions. The premiere of this historical drama has indeed introduced several enigmas that have piqued the audience’s curiosity. Here, we delve into a series of questions that arose during the premiere of the Korean drama Missing Crown Prince.
1. Who is the Mistress of Queen Mother Min Soo Ryeon?
Yi Gun receives an anonymous letter, summoning him to a rendezvous in the dead of night. Initially, the location seems innocuous, until Queen Mother Min Soo Ryeon (portrayed by Myung Se Bin) arrives, accompanied by an unidentified man. Despite Yi Gun and his guards’ attempts to observe from a distance, the man’s identity remains elusive. However, he leaves behind a distinctive needle tube, typically associated with palace physicians. This leads to speculation: who is the Queen Mother’s secret companion? Is it one of the physicians, or could it be the chief palace physician, Choi Sang Rok himself?
2. Who is Behind the Two Suspicious Suicides?
While fishing in the palace lake, Yi Gun discovers the lifeless body of a familiar servant, later identified as the Queen Mother’s lady-in-waiting. Suspicion arises as Yi Gun knew the lady-in-waiting well and doubts that her death was a suicide. Further inquiry reveals a pattern, with a similar fate befalling another of the Queen Mother’s attendants. With both cases officially deemed suicides, Yi Gun initiates a covert investigation. Who is the mastermind behind these suspicious deaths? Is there a connection to the Queen Mother’s activities?
3. Who Ordered the Assassination of Yi Gun?
Aware that Yi Gun witnessed her clandestine affair, Queen Mother Min Soo Ryeon fears his potential interference and instructs King Haejong (played by Jeon Jin Oh) to eliminate him. Although King Haejong initially balks at the idea of harming his own son, assailants later ambush Yi Gun in his chamber, leaving him wounded. The identity of those behind the assassination attempt remains unknown. Could it be King Haejong or even the Queen Mother herself?
4. Will Choi Myeong Yoon’s Curse Come to Pass?
Initially intended to marry Yi Gun, Choi Myeong Yoon, daughter of chief palace physician Choi Sang Rok, harbors a curse that foretells the demise of her future spouses. Despite efforts to dispel the curse, it persists. Will this ominous prophecy be realized?
These four mysteries have left viewers of the Missing Crown Prince eagerly anticipating further developments. The drama’s intricate conflicts promise a captivating narrative. Are you intrigued to watch?