Pyramid Games aired its final episode on March 21, 2024. The drama tackled the issue of bullying in schools, ultimately ending on a positive note. Alongside the central storyline, the characters’ personal journeys, particularly their relationships with their fathers, were prominently featured. One such character is Sung Soo Ji (Bona WJSN), who grapples with conflicts with her father.
But Sung Soo Ji isn’t alone in this struggle. Several other characters in Pyramid Games also contend with paternal conflicts, with some facing particularly toxic dynamics. Let’s delve deeper into these characters in the following sections.
1. Sung Soo Ji
Sung Soo Ji (Bona WJSN) joins class 2-5 at Baekyeon Girls’ High School as a transfer student. Raised by a single father who frequently moved due to his military service, Sung Soo Ji experienced a lack of stability, making it challenging for her to form close friendships like her peers.
Upon entering Baekyeon Girls’ High School, Sung Soo Ji becomes a target of bullying but chooses to handle the situation independently, without confiding in her father. Their relationship is strained, with her father prioritizing societal norms over his daughter’s well-being.
2. Baek Ha Rin
Baek Ha Rin (Jang Da Ah) comes from a powerful family that owns Baekyeon Girls’ High School. While her family appears picture-perfect from the outside, tensions brew within. Despite her privileged status, Baek Ha Rin faces conflict with her father, who disapproves of her behavior and perceives her as a psychopath.
Her conflict with her father stems from her grandmother’s support, leading to power struggles within the family. Additionally, Baek Ha Rin’s knowledge of her father’s secret adds another layer of tension to their relationship.
3. Kim Da Yeon
Kim Da Yeon (Hwang Hyun Jung) emerges as the antagonist, tormenting fellow students mercilessly. However, behind her cruel facade lies a tragic past of abuse inflicted by her father. Forced to please Baek Ha Rin to maintain her father’s business connections, Kim Da Yeon’s actions are driven by fear and coercion.