4 Proofs Gye Ji Ung is a Good Boss in Miss Night and Day

Gye Ji Ung proves his leadership through empathy and respect in Miss Night and Day.
4 Proofs Gye Ji Ung is a Good Boss in Miss Night and Day

Gye Ji Ung (played by Choi Jin Hyuk) is a strict and ambitious prosecutor in the popular Korean drama, Miss Night and Day (2024). His dedication to his work stems from a deep personal tragedy—the murder of his mother—which he seeks to solve. Despite his successful career in Seoul, Gye Ji Ung moves to a small town to pursue this quest.

Initially, Gye Ji Ung’s intense work ethic and high standards create friction within his team. However, when Lim Sun (played by Lee Jung Eun) joins his team, we see a transformation in his leadership style. Here are four compelling reasons why Gye Ji Ung proves to be a good boss in Miss Night and Day.

1. He Welcomes Input from Coworkers

Lee Jung Eun, Choi Jin Hyuk, and Yoon Byung Hee in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama)

Lee Jung Eun, Choi Jin Hyuk, and Yoon Byung Hee in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Gye Ji Ung’s team consists of himself, his assistant Joo Byung Duk (Yoon Byung Hee), and the newcomer, Lim Sun. Initially, Gye Ji Ung is harsh on Lim Sun, hoping she would quit. However, after she helps him detect drugs in a nightclub, he begins to value her opinions. He starts encouraging Lim Sun to share her thoughts during meetings and discussions. This shift shows that Gye Ji Ung is open to learning from his team and values diverse perspectives.

2. He Respects Work-Life Balance

Lee Jung Eun in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama)

Lee Jung Eun in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

During Lim Sun’s probation, she is assigned to order dinner menus during peak hours, while Gye Ji Ung and Joo Byung Duk work overtime on case analyses. Lim Sun completes her task quickly and efficiently. Remarkably, Gye Ji Ung does not force her to stay and work overtime. He acknowledges that she has completed her task and allows her to go home. This respect for work-life balance is a significant aspect of being a considerate boss.

3. He Corrects Mistakes and Apologizes

Choi Jin Hyuk and Yoon Byung Hee in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama)

Choi Jin Hyuk and Yoon Byung Hee in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Gye Ji Ung shows his integrity by addressing mistakes and owning up to his actions. When Ji Dong Kwon (Oh Jung Taek) dies in prison, Gye Ji Ung instructs his team to keep the news confidential. Lim Sun, unaware of this directive, accidentally informs Ko Won (Baek Seo Hoo) about the incident. Gye Ji Ung initially loses his temper but later realizes his error and apologizes to Lim Sun for his outburst. This incident highlights his willingness to admit when he is wrong and make amends.

4. He Provides Growth Opportunities

Choi Jin Hyuk in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama)

Choi Jin Hyuk in Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Although Lim Sun is new, Gye Ji Ung recognizes her potential and offers her opportunities to develop her skills. When a drug case involving young people arises, Lim Sun volunteers to help with surveillance. Gye Ji Ung is initially skeptical but eventually trusts her abilities. This trust and encouragement enable Lim Sun to grow professionally and contribute more significantly to the team.

Final Thoughts

Gye Ji Ung’s journey as a boss in Miss Night and Day showcases his growth and dedication to becoming a better leader. He learns from his mistakes, respects his team’s input, and values their well-being. This transformation is not just about solving a personal tragedy but also about evolving as a leader who can inspire and support his team. Watching Gye Ji Ung navigate these challenges adds depth and realism to the drama, making it a compelling watch.

Gye Ji Ung’s leadership style reminds us that being a good boss involves continuous learning and empathy. His character’s development in Miss Night and Day is a testament to the importance of these qualities in any workplace.

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