On Friday (5/4/2024), Netflix unveiled a gripping new drama called Parasyte: The Grey, spun off from the popular manga Parasyte. It follows the tale of a parasite that lands on Earth and infiltrates human bodies, consuming their brains and commandeering them as hosts. The Grey team is tasked with eradicating these parasites, setting the stage for intense human-parasite conflict.
For those eager to dive into this Korean drama, here’s a rundown of some of its most jaw-dropping plot twists. But beware, spoilers ahead!
1. Seol Kang Woo’s younger brother, unwittingly transformed into a monster by parasites, was found dead among a stockpile of corpses.
Seol Kang Woo (played by Koo Kyo Hwan) may seem like a rough character, a fugitive from a rival gang, but beneath his tough exterior lies a caring soul, particularly for his family. Upon returning home, he discovers his brother’s ghastly fate, transformed into a parasite-infested creature. The twist? His search for his missing sibling ends tragically when he finds him among other lifeless bodies, a grim revelation.
2. Detective Kang Won Seok, seemingly an ordinary cop, is revealed to be colluding with the parasites.
Kang Won Seok (portrayed by Kim In Kwon) appears to be your typical cheerful detective, working under Kim Chul Min (played by Kwon Hae Hyo). However, appearances can be deceiving. Kang Won Seok’s cheery facade masks a dark secret—he’s in cahoots with the very parasites he’s supposed to be fighting against. Threatened by a parasite masquerading as priest Kwon Hyuk Ju (acted by Lee Hyun Kyun), he betrays the Gray Team, even resorting to eliminating their tracking dogs to aid the parasites.
3. Pastor Kwon Hyuk Ju orchestrates the murder of Detective Kim Chul Min to infiltrate the police force.
The parasites’ ambitions extend beyond mere body-snatching; they aim for positions of power within human organizations. Pastor Kwon Hyuk Ju, in league with Kang Won Seok, engineers a diabolical plan. They eliminate Detective Kim Chul Min to seize his authority, allowing a parasite to assume his identity and infiltrate the police ranks, enabling covert sabotage against the Gray Team.
4. Kang Won Seok meets a grisly end, becoming the very host he had been assisting.
Kang Won Seok’s allegiance proves futile as he meets a gruesome demise. In a cruel twist, he falls victim to the parasites he once aided, his body claimed as a host in a shocking turn of events, sealing his tragic fate.
These four plot twists defy expectations, delivering an enthralling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. For the full experience, catch all the episodes of Parasyte: The Grey on Netflix.