Song Ki Baek (portrayed by Go Kyung Pyo) is a key character in the Korean drama Frankly Speaking. He served as an anchor at the JBC Broadcasting Office for eight years. Once, he was requested by On Woo Joo (played by Kang Han Na) to participate in an entertainment event called “Men to the Run.”
Initially hesitant, Song Ki Baek ended up enjoying a football match with a famous idol named PN (played by Jang Won Hyuk). However, when PN mistreated the staff, Song Ki Baek stood up to him, ultimately winning the confrontation. On Woo Joo was upset by Song Ki Baek’s victory over PN.
During a heated argument with On Woo Joo in a room filled with high voltage electricity, Song Ki Baek accidentally touched a cable while sneezing, resulting in him being electrocuted and fainting.
The electric shock had unforeseen consequences, leading to a change in Song Ki Baek’s personality, making him impulsive. According to the doctor, he was diagnosed with disinhibition due to the electric shock. Let’s explore the effects of this disease:
1. Physical Violence
Previously, Song Ki Baek maintained a non-violent demeanor to uphold his image. However, after the electrocution, controlling his anger became challenging. He even came close to punching PN due to his mistreatment of the staff. Fortunately, On Woo Joo intervened before any violence occurred.
2. Uncontrollable Speech
For eight years, Song Ki Baek carefully managed his speech to avoid hurting others’ feelings. Now, he speaks openly when his emotions are touched, often stating facts bluntly. For instance, when his younger brother assumed he only returned home for problems, Song Ki Baek expressed his frustration at being misunderstood.
3. Damaged Reputation
Previously admired for his perfect image—rich, intelligent, calm, helpful, and handsome—Song Ki Baek’s reputation took a hit after his personality change. Colleagues who believed he had a flawless life now see him differently, raising concerns about his tarnished reputation and uncertainty about a cure.
4. Assertiveness
Initially a people-pleaser, Song Ki Baek would reluctantly agree to requests from his superiors. However, his experience led to a change in behavior; he now confidently declines requests if they don’t align with his interests. This newfound assertiveness surprises those who’ve known him for years.
In summary, Song Ki Baek’s illness has strained his relationships but has also empowered him to set boundaries. How will he reconcile with this disease? Find out on Frankly Speaking, airing every Wednesday and Thursday on Netflix. Stay tuned for updates!