Kim Joon, portrayed by Park Hyuk Kwon, is the main villain in the Korean drama “Wonderful World.” In episode 14, he was finally apprehended by the police and sentenced to life in prison. Throughout the campaign in Busan, various crimes committed by this presidential candidate came to light.
The offenses of the former Hankuk United Party candidate include murder, torture, embezzlement, bribing a law firm to support his presidential bid, and starting fires in Buyeongdong, resulting in casualties during reconstruction.
The characters victimized by Kim Joon join forces to uncover his crimes. Here are the efforts they made to bring him down:
1. Gathering Solid Evidence
Kim Joon wields considerable power, making him challenging to overthrow. Therefore, a single piece of evidence isn’t sufficient to prove his guilt. Kwon Seon Yul seeks help from a friend to investigate the foundation managed by Kim Joon, uncovering evidence of embezzlement. Meanwhile, Eun Soo Hyun retrieves her son’s tablet, which contains crucial information, thanks to instructions found on Kwon Seon Yul’s SD card.
2. Seeking Out Kim Joon’s Victims
Kwon Seon Yul enlists the help of his friends to locate individuals victimized by Kim Joon’s crimes. Despite facing threats, they manage to persuade the victims to come forward by offering protection. Additionally, Kwon Seon Yul approaches Kim Joon’s mistreated subordinates, eventually gaining their cooperation by demonstrating the abundance of evidence against him, leading to the installation of a hidden camera to document Kim Joon’s activities.
3. Infiltrating Kim Joon’s Inner Circle
Kang Soo Ho, a news anchor, pretends to support Kim Joon as part of a plan to gain his trust and uncover his weaknesses. This strategy influences those around him, including Eun Soo Hyun. Once established as a supporter, Kang Soo Ho reveals the truth about his son’s death, using evidence from the tablet found by Eun Soo Hyun.
4. Garnering Media Attention
Initially, Eun Soo Hyun attempts to expose the truth about her son’s death to the media but receives limited coverage. However, by announcing her intention to publish a book, she reignites interest. Her revelation about Kim Joon’s involvement in her son’s death captures widespread media attention, prompting public support and demonstrations.
The conclusion of “Wonderful World” brings happiness to its characters, as they heal from past wounds. Through Kim Joon’s character, the audience learns the importance of pursuing dreams without causing harm to others.