Park Yeong Han, portrayed by Lee Je Hoon in the TV show Chief Detective 1958, embodies a detective hailing from Hwangchun village, now serving at the Jongnam Police in Seoul.
Park Yeong Han, a committed police officer, steadfastly avoids illicit gains through collusion with criminals. Instead, he confronts them resolutely. Here are four remarkable characteristics defining Park Yeong Han:
1. Fearlessly Pursuing Criminals, Regardless of Their Status
Since arriving in Seoul, Park Yeong Han’s resolve has often been underestimated. Labelled naive, he views apprehending thugs akin to catching cattle thieves, a task familiar from his hometown. Despite facing powerful adversaries, Park Yeong Han relentlessly delivers criminals to justice, exhibiting unparalleled bravery.
2. Gratitude Towards Helpers
Despite his courage, Park Yeong Han recognizes moments to retreat. After a skirmish with thugs, he seeks refuge in a bookstore protected by Lee Hye Ju (Seo Eun Su). Grateful for her assistance, he later invites her to a movie, acknowledging her kindness. Similar appreciation extends to Kim Sang Gun (Lee Dong Hwi), who saves him from potential harm during an ambush.
3. Respecting Individuals, Regardless of Background
Park Yeong Han values individuals without prejudice. He recruits team members based on merit, inviting Kim Sang Gun for his consistent dedication, Jo Gyeong Hwan (Choi Woo Sung) for his physical strength, and Seo Ho Jeong (Yoon Hyun Soo) for his communication skills and strategic prowess, disregarding societal stereotypes.
4. Defending Truth with Determination
Park Yeong Han resists succumbing to corruption prevalent among some fellow officers. Despite being labelled a ‘crazy’ detective, he upholds integrity, refusing to compromise his principles. With unwavering dedication, he channels his energy towards fulfilling his duty as a law enforcer.
Park Yeong Han’s character in Chief Detective 1958 exemplifies integrity, courage, and gratitude, serving as a beacon of honor amidst challenges.