In the drama “Wonderful World,” Eun Soo Hyun (played by Kim Nam Joo) is determined to avenge her child’s death by targeting Kwon Ji Woong (played by Oh Man Seok). The plot thickens as Kwon Seon Yool (played by Cha Eun Woo) harbors resentment towards Eun Soo Hyun for not accepting his father’s departure.
To seek justice for his family, Kwon Seon Yool devotes his youth to seeking revenge against Eun Soo Hyun and her family. Here are the ways Kwon Seon Yool seeks revenge on Eun Soo Hyun:
1. Monitoring Eun Soo Hyun and her Family
2. Assuming a False Identity
Learning that Eun Soo Hyun intends to seek out Kwon Min Hyuk (played by Lim Ji Seob) upon his release from prison, Kwon Seon Yool impersonates Kwon Min Hyuk with the assistance of Kim Si Ra (played by Jeon Hyun Ah). Through misleading guidance from Kim Si Ra, Eun Soo Hyun mistakenly believes that Kwon Seon Yool is the survivor he’s searching for. Unaware of the deception, Eun Soo Hyun approaches Kwon Seon Yool with genuine intentions to help him heal from his past trauma.