In the gripping drama “Parasyte: The Grey,” which blends science fiction, horror, and thriller elements, the narrative centers on a world invaded by parasitic creatures that prey on humans. Within this intense storyline, numerous strong characters emerge, including notable female figures.
These three women stand out:
1. Jeong Su In
Despite her compassionate nature, Jeong Su In (portrayed by Jeon So Nee) bravely confronts injustice. She reported her father for abuse at just 10 years old and later asserts herself against rude customers while working at a supermarket. When confronted by a group of parasites, she courageously fights back, aided by the parasite Heidi within her. Her kindness is also evident, as she prioritizes saving others over her own safety in perilous situations.
2. Choi Jun Kyung
Choi Jun Kyung (played by Lee Jung Hyun) is a skilled profiler leading Team Grey’s efforts to combat parasitic monsters, driven by the loss of her husband. Utilizing her expertise and research, she excels at identifying parasites and actively engages in battle alongside her team, demonstrating unwavering determination and courage.
3. Seol Jin Hee
Seol Jin Hee (portrayed by Moon Joo Yeon) takes on the role of caretaker for her older brothers, assuming the responsibility of providing for the family when her eldest brother falls ill and her other brother leaves. Despite facing tragic circumstances as a victim of a parasitic monster, she remains resilient and selfless. Even in her final moments, she prioritizes her brother’s well-being, sending a message to prevent him from returning home to a dangerous situation.
While these women may not possess physical strength, their resilience, bravery, and empathy shine brightly throughout “Parasyte: The Grey,” showcasing the depth of their characters and the importance of their roles in the story.