The Midnight Studio narrates the tale of Seo Ki Joo (Joo Won), a photographer managing the Yahan Photo Studio, a unique place dedicated to capturing final memories for the departed. Seo Ki Joo’s companions in this venture are Go Sung Ho (Yoo In Soo) and Baek Nam Goo (Eum Moon Sook).
Despite occasional disagreements, Seo Ki Joo’s two colleagues always unite to assist him.
After 13 episodes, it’s revealed that Go Sung Hoo and Baek Nam Goo shared similar life paths. Let’s delve into these parallels.
1. Both Were Esteemed Employees
In their respective careers, both Go Sung Hoo and Baek Nam Goo were highly regarded. Go Sung Hoo, a salesperson at Ohnjeong Foods, was known for his reliability and was often seen as a potential candidate for promotion. Similarly, Baek Nam Goo, a diligent police detective, was renowned for his excellence in solving cases.
2. Both Met Tragic Ends While On Duty
Despite their dedication, both Go Sung Hoo and Baek Nam Goo faced tragic fates. Go Sung Hoo, overwhelmed by work demands and promises of advancement, neglected his health until a fatal heart attack claimed his life. Similarly, Baek Nam Goo, in pursuit of a criminal, met his demise in a confrontation.
3. Unfulfilled Desires
Even in death, both Go Sung Hoo and Baek Nam Goo harbor unfulfilled wishes. Go Sung Hoo yearns for simple pleasures like traveling and good food, but his greatest desire is for a meaningful romantic relationship. Baek Nam Goo, on the other hand, wishes to capture a criminal and reunite with his wife, Jin Na Rae.
As they assist Seo Ki Joo in the afterlife, both Go Sung Hoo and Baek Nam Goo strive to realize their aspirations. And as their stories unfold, viewers are left wondering if they’ll ever capture those cherished moments with their loved ones.
So, will their wishes be fulfilled? Tune in to The Midnight Studio to find out!