Chief Detective 1958, a TV show, grabbed viewers’ attention right from its first airing. This drama, set in 1958, follows the journey of Park Yeong Han (played by Lee Je Hoon), a dedicated young policeman. Yeong Han, while working in his hometown, Hwangchun, earned accolades for apprehending numerous cattle thieves.
However, upon his transfer to the larger Jongnam Police in Seoul, Yeong Han was met with disappointment. He had hoped for a strong sense of justice among his new colleagues but found the opposite.
The people of Seoul had lost faith in the Jongnam police, perceiving them as aligned with gangsters. Here are three instances of injustice depicted in Chief Detective 1958:
1. The Dongdaemun Gang Extorts Market Traders
In the drama, the Dongdaemun gang dominates the market scene, extorting small traders under the guise of protection fees. Led by Lee Jung Jae (played by Kim Young Sung), the gang operates with impunity, intimidating those unable to pay.
2. Police Yield to Gang Influence
Aside from gang activity, the police themselves succumb to corruption. When Yeong Han apprehends a gang member attacking traders, he’s pressured to release the culprit. This collusion between police and criminals erodes public trust.
3. Exile of Just Policemen
True champions of justice like Yeong Han and his colleagues face ostracism within the force. When the Jongnam police engage in illegal activities, including smuggling, these upright officers are kept in the dark. This betrayal of duty further undermines the police’s credibility.
Chief Detective 1958 sheds light on the pervasive injustices of its time, prompting reflection on the role of law enforcement in society.