In the Korean drama “Queen of Tears,” the character Hong Hae In (portrayed by Kim Ji Won) stands as a prominent and accomplished figure. As the CEO of Queens Department Store, his success is undeniable, and he is even anticipated to be the next heir to Queens Group.
However, beneath this facade of success lies a lonely individual, especially deprived of maternal love from his mother, Kim Sun Hwa (played by Na Young Hee). Surprisingly, Hae In finds himself entangled in conflicts with his own mother. Let’s delve into these conflicts:
1. Blame for Brother’s Death:
2. Preference for Soo Cheol:
Sun Hwa exhibits a clear preference between her two sons, favoring Soo Cheol over Hae In. This biased treatment leads to frequent conflicts between Hae In and his mother, as he feels marginalized and treated like an adversary.
3. Disapproval of Hae In’s Life Choices:
Sun Hwa’s disdain for Hae In intensifies as he asserts his independence, particularly through his decision to marry Baek Hyun Woo (portrayed by Kim Soo Hyun). Despite disapproving of Hyun Woo and his family, Sun Hwa finds herself unable to deter Hae In. The conflict escalates as Sun Hwa perceives Hyun Woo as lacking the social status befitting their family’s stature.
Despite his outward appearance of strength, Hae In harbors a fragile heart, particularly wounded by the conflicts with his mother. Each confrontation reinforces his sense of inadequacy as a son. Stay tuned for further developments in “Queen of Tears.”