The drama Chief Detective 1958 recounts the challenges faced by detectives striving to uphold justice in society. One key issue arises from the control of political and diplomatic actions, serving the interests of a select few. Consequently, the detectives at Jongnam police station find themselves divided. The first division, led by Park Yeong Han (Lee Je Hoon), is renowned for its fearless pursuit of justice, even against gangsters and superior officers.
Conversely, the second division exhibits reluctance, particularly when handling reports from civilians, unless they hail from the upper echelons of society. Park Yeong Han, alongside his team – Kim Sang Sun (Lee Dong Hwi), Seo Hu Jeong (Yoon Hyun So), and Ju Gyeong Hwan (Choi Woo Sung) – extend aid to anxious residents facing three prevalent concerns in Jongnam as depicted in Chief Detective 1958. What are these concerns?
1. Threats from Gangsters
The primary menace to Jongnam’s small traders emanates from a notorious gang. They frequently extort money from market vendors, resorting to violence if met with resistance. Consequently, many traders have suffered injuries or fatalities. Fearful of reprisals, traders reluctantly part with their earnings, while enduring further losses from damaged merchandise. Moreover, the gangsters brazenly harass women, instilling a climate of fear and financial hardship.
2. Police Negligence
Law enforcement in Jongnam is marred by a lack of integrity. Rather than apprehending criminals, some officers collude with them, evident in rampant corruption cases. Meager wages further incentivize bribery, eroding trust in the police force. Consequently, residents hesitate to report crimes, disillusioned by the pervading corruption. This disillusionment extends to discouraging aspiring officers, save for rare exceptions like Yu Dae Cheon (Choi Duk Moon).
3. Manipulation of Justice
The first division team faces obstacles in apprehending criminals due to the police chief’s collusion with gang leaders. This collusion extends to the prosecutor’s office, shielding criminal activities from legal repercussions. Undeterred, Park Yeong Han orchestrates a plan involving American authorities to apprehend the gangsters responsible for civilian deaths. Despite initial success, Park Yeong Han remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice, advocating for impartial law enforcement to safeguard Jongnam’s populace.
Park Yeong Han’s unwavering commitment underscores his desire for a reformed justice system, one that upholds the law without bias. Curious to witness the ongoing struggles of Jongnam’s residents in Chief Detective 1958? Tune in to the next episode!